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5 Best Outdoor Lighting Options for Your Space

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Lighting makes all the difference in the world. Your home is your castle and finding lighting that is fit for royalty is a must. With the right lighting you can transform any room or outdoor space, making it instantly brighter and more inviting or more conducive to productivity. Homeowner’s were once limited in the lighting that they had to choose from, but there are now more outdoor lighting options than ever before, and knowing what options you have is the key to finding the lighting option that is right for you. So what are the best outdoor lighting options for your home?

Types of Best Outdoor Lighting Options

There are tons of different types of lighting and each has the ability to make any space change in an instant. Knowing what some of the best outdoor lighting options are is a great way to start to decide what is going to work for you and what lighting you may want to choose. Here are 5 different types of the best outdoor lighting options and a bit about each.

1. Walkway and Landscape Lighting

This type of lighting is what most people think of when they hear the words best outdoor lighting options. Once upon a time this was the only type of lighting that you found on patios and outdoor spaces, making it one category that has soared in popularity and diversity as more options became available. Landscape lighting is great because it can, first and foremost, be tailored to the space that you have. You can place lights along paths, around patios, around seating areas, or up against your house for added light and effect. This type of lighting is also less expensive than many others, and you can work in smaller areas, adding lighting as you feel necessary. For many homeowner’s walkway and landscape lighting are the best outdoor lighting options for their needs.

2. Outdoor Lamps

Lamps are another of the best outdoor lighting options that, no matter how dated, are always going to be popular. Lamps are popular because they are portable. You can take a lamp from any area of your yard or patio and re-home it in another depending on where you need it. Lamps are also classic and can be simple enough to fit any décor or they can be loud and bright and stand out. Lamps can also be taken with you if you move, something that many people find appealing. Lamps and lantern style items are great for tables as you can move them around as needed.

3. Porch Lighting

This is another great type of lighting that works for a wide range of spaces. Wall lighting or porch lights are the second most common thing that people imagine when they see best outdoor lighting options. These are the statement lights that you have on front and back porches to illuminate doors and your stairs and other areas at the front and back of the home. This type of light can add warmth and a secure feeling to your patio if you are entertaining and can be inviting on your front porch for guests or even the people that live there. There are tons of different porch or wall style lights so that you can choose the light that is right for your home and your space.

4. Overhead Lighting

This can be anything from a light that is attached to a fan to a light that is attached to the ceiling of your covered porch or deck. This type of lighting is often best when you do have a covered area, or at the very least a roof to attach it to. This type of hardwired light is going to give the feeling and illusion of being indoors while you are still able to enjoy your outdoor space. Overhead lighting is going to flood your outdoor space with light making it easy to see and navigate.

5. Freestanding and Streetlight Style Lighting

This is another great type of lighting to consider. Freestanding lighting can mean a range of things. Freestanding lights are namely those that are not part of a landscape bed, that might not be attached to a porch or other area, and that are used to accent your outdoor space. These can be lights that are portable and can be moved or they can be lights that are hardwired to a specific area of your yard or patio space. These are going to be streetlamp, style so to speak, as they are often lamp like in design and are on a pole to raise the light off of the ground or flooring.

No matter what type of lighting you choose, it is always best to take the time to find a professional to help. On Time Electrical is a fantastic, experienced company that can help you install any type of lighting you choose. With the right Electric company, your whole home can be illuminated.